February 6, 2010

Week in Review

Hi Everyone!

Hope you all had a great week! I can not believe it is February already...can you?

This week flew by.
My friends (who also happen to be teammates at school) and I were lucky enough to attend a 2 day conference . We saw a couple of great speakers and learned some awesome new reading strategies. (Aren't teachers the biggest nerds ever? We love, love, love to learn!) What else? I took Reagan to the dr. on Thursday after school .... turns out he has another ear infection and hasnt been sleeping because of it ... as well as the fact that he is getting his 2 front , upper teeth. Poor guy- his teeth are really causing him pain! Tylenol will be his new best friend. Friday was busy at work and crashed and burned.
Today Nick and I took Reagan to the zoo. We bought a membership but have only been twice in the last year. So we figured we had better make the most of it. It was a perfect day for the zoo. The weather was gorgeous! (sorry friends who are getting crummy weather!) We spent the entire afternoon in the children's area. We had a picnic lunch, went to the petting zoo, and saw farm animals. We went home for a quick nap and then my mom and sister came over. They hadnt seen Reagan in a couple of weeks, so they were eager to see him and his new "tricks". After hanging out, we all went out for some delicious pasta. As I type this, Reagan is banging on the metal trashcan like a drum, giggling like a wild man, and Nick is watching The Hurt Locker.

Here are some pics from our day at the zoo with our little monkey!

1 comment:

Katie F said...

I left you a little something over at my blog!