There is a ton I could write about right now... loving lots. But I need to log off and do some Etsy shopping. :) XXOO
There is a ton I could write about right now... loving lots. But I need to log off and do some Etsy shopping. :) XXOO
I am loving that it's almost time to find out the gender of my sister's baby! I am throwing her a gender reveal party in September for family and her best friends and I'm getting so excited. (You know me and party planning!)
I am loving last weekend. Friday night we went to dinner at California Pizza Kitchen then out for frozen yogurt. Saturday was spent working on school stuff, running errands, and swimming. Sunday was spent with my mom- lunch and movie (The Help....LOVED it!)
I am loving my wonderful hubby Nick. I get told just about every day from friends and family how luck (err spoiled) I am to have him. And I know it. I mean really. He irons our entire family's clothes. He cooks dinner for us every night. The list goes on and on.. I dont think he reads this blog. In fact Im pretty sure he has never seen it, haha. But if by chance he is reading it- I LOVE YOU!
I am loving adorable little boy Reagan. I swear, each day he gets smarter and smarter. Mom moment to brag..... he is 27 months and counts to 10, knows his abcs, and can sound out. No kidding- he was at the food court with my mom and saw a restraunt sign "Oskuna" or something. And he said "ah-sss-k--un-u" !! Now.. in an opposite end of the spectrum he still speaks pirate... ie. he says "aye" instead of "yes" all the time (not sure where this came from but he's been doing it since 1). And he still cant/wont say Elmo. He just rolls his tongue. Hmm..
I've been trying to upload the video of him singing... but it's been an hour and it still isn't uploaded. What on earth am I doing wrong?!?!