Sorry that I've been pretty MIA this week.
This week my first graders took their DIBELS reading test.
To pump them I read "The Little Engine that Could" and they made "I know I can" train hats.
I also decorated the room in green for them. (Green = benchmark)
They have grown so much this year and I am so proud of them.
The tab colors represent their Fall DIBELS test scores.
Red= Intensive, Yellow= Strategic, Green= Benchmark.
The tabs are now moved to Spring.
The week before last they took their NWEA Reading Test.
Here are those results.
(Same tab things as above, expect now there is Blue= Exceeds (higher than benchmark).
(Same tab things as above, expect now there is Blue= Exceeds (higher than benchmark).
This upcoming week we have NWEA math. I'm super nervous about this one. Yikes.