April 30, 2011

Going for the Green!

Sorry that I've been pretty MIA this week.

This week my first graders took their DIBELS reading test.

To pump them I read "The Little Engine that Could" and they made "I know I can" train hats.

I also decorated the room in green for them. (Green = benchmark)

They have grown so much this year and I am so proud of them.

Here are the results. (I'm VERY visual)

The tab colors represent their Fall DIBELS test scores.

Red= Intensive, Yellow= Strategic, Green= Benchmark.

The tabs are now moved to Spring.

The week before last they took their NWEA Reading Test.

Here are those results.
(Same tab things as above, expect now there is Blue= Exceeds (higher than benchmark).

This upcoming week we have NWEA math. I'm super nervous about this one. Yikes.

April 27, 2011

Ta-Da and WILW

First of all- ta-da!

I finally found my answer for you bloggers!!! Thanks to Sweet Simplicity !!

Here is her post. (If you want to pics to go along with it- click on the link above)

I LOVE receiving comments! It makes my day to open my gmail account and see an e-mail notification of a new comment. I also love to reply to your comments from my e-mail account. But sometimes when I hit reply instead of seeing your e-mail address I see noreply-comment{at}blogger{dot}com and I can't reply. When I reply to other people I can see their e-mail address and the response automatically goes to their e-mail. This is extremely helpful when people ask me questions in a comment. It is so much easier to reply this way than to have to go to their blog and leave a comment or search for their e-mail address.

If you would like people to be able to email you back after you leave a comment, here's how you change those settings.

1. Click on the Customize link in the upper right hand corner of your screen.
2. Click on the Dashboard link in the upper right hand corner of your screen.
3. Click on Edit Profile, which is on the left hand side of the screen next to your picture.
4. This will take you to the Edit User Profile screen.
5. Look in the Privacy section.
6. Check the box that says, "Show my email address".
7. In the Identity section, enter in an email address.
8. Scroll down to the bottom of the screen and click on Save Profile.

When you add your e-mail address in the above spot, it does not change the e-mail address that you use to log-in. I'm assuming that most of you have a personal e-mail address and generic blog e-mail address. I entered my generic blog e-mail address in that spot. My personal e-mail address is still where I recieve notifications of new comments and it is what I use to log in to blogger.

Pretty easy!


What I'm Loving Today!

Lately I've been laughing really hard at some You Tube Videos.

Here is one of my favorites right now. Enjoy! (Ps- I tried to upload more than just this one but my blogger was being weird... if you are still interested - check out the Marines singing Britney Spears Hold It Against Me, Carrie Underwood singing How Great Thou Art, and Jimmy Fallon show doing "Friday".)

April 26, 2011

I feel like an idiot!

Okay, maybe some of you expert bloggers can help me out!

I can't remember for the life of me how ..... but I want to help some of my wonderful followers/commenters how to link their comments back to their email. I appreciate you leaving me comments and when I try and email you back in response...many of you don't have it set up - so I can't! Tear.

If you remember how to do this, can you please let me know? So I can let the others know?

Thanks a billion!


April 25, 2011

Easter 2011

We had a wonderful Easter Sunday.

When Reagan woke up we went outside to do our own little egg hunt and see what the Easter Bunny brought.

Then it was time for church. It was a wonderful service!

Reagan and his Papa

After church we took some family pictures before we got changed into comfier clothes.

My older sister and her beautiful family

My wonderful parents

My little sister and I
Megan and her hubby Shaun
Mom made a delicious lunch and we stuffed our faces big time.

How cute were our place cards?

The afternoon included lots of playing and talking (and no nap)!



Rea Rea and Mimi

Later that afternoon we loaded up in the car and drove south to Nick's Mom's house. Reagan had a great time playing with his Grammy and Grandpa. We had yummy Easter cakes and talked for awhile.

Another egg hunt! Feeding the turtles

playing the piano with Grammy

Needless to say we were all exhausted and went home and straight to bed!

I've had fun reading all of your Easter posts. Such a wonderful holiday and I am so glad that you were able to spend it with your families as well. XXOO

April 24, 2011

Happy Easter

Happy Easter!

I hope that you all have had a blessed day with your family.

I will post about today's Easter another day, but for now

here is a look back at some of our past Easters together.

In 2005 Nick proposed on Easter Sunday in front of my family.

Each Easter egg had a reason he loved me writting inside.
And the bottom of the basket was the big question.

On Easter weekend 2006, we got Lily (hence the name!) We were doing some shopping on Saturday, stopped by a breeder's house, and fell in love. So needless to say that weekend was whirlwind. I didn't take any "nice" Easter pictures, but here is one from that weekend.

Easter 2008
In 2009 Reagan celebrated his first Easter!
He was 1 week old!

Poor little guy!

Here is last year's Easter. (2010) It was the day after Reagan's 1st birthday and we were EXHAUSTED!

April 23, 2011

Saturdays are soo fun!

Today we had a busy and fun Saturday!

We started it with a neighborhood Easter egg hunt.

Reagan all ready to hunt for eggs!

Success! Look at the chocolate face!
After the hunt we went to the ASU Spring football game.

Watching Sparky!

Go Devils!

After the game we went to the Rainforest Cafe for lunch.

Reagan is wishing you a wonderful Easter !!