I'm Loving the gorgeous weather we are having. I seriously can't get enough!
I'm Loving that this week my class is learning about oviparous animals. It is one of my favorite weeks with the kiddos. I will post more about it later, but here is a picture of one of the things we have been doing.
I'm Loving that my sweet friend is finally getting her Etsy gift I ordered for her shower.... (remember how it never arrived and she had to mail a new one?) How cute did it turn out tho? Love! (Ps- She is a Disney fanatic- so this is perfect!)
I'm Loving that this weekend is sooo close! My fave Aunt and Uncle are coming to visit! My Mom, Sister, and Aunt are going to see Lady Gaga on Sat. night. SO EXCITED. Yes, this is my 2nd Lady Gaga concert in 8 months. Totally a "monster"! I also am excited to celebrate a sweet friend at her baby sprinkle on Sunday.
I'm Loving my sweet boy Reagan! He is seriously at such a fun age and I could eat him to pieces!
I'm Loving that my hubby and I are FINALLY both feeling healthy again. I swear- we've been hit hard lately with the sick bugs!
I'm Loving that Reagan's 2nd Birthday is next weekend! I love parties!
Heres a peek :
What are you loving today?
Link up with Jamie and play along! XXOO