After our late night the night before, we had to wake up Reagan on Christmas to tell him Santa had come. I'm sure in a few years this will not have to happen. If he is anything like me and Nick, he will be up VERY early on Christmas morning full of excitement!
We walked into the living room and saw what Santa had left him!
He was soooo excited!
Then we went over to my parents' house for more Christmas morning fun!
Mom made yummy Monkey Bread for breakfast and then it was time for more presents!
Here were some present highlights:
new handbags

A map for Dad to chart all of the courses he has played

Lots of Little People


A new bike

Meg found the pickle, thus won the extra present

Ronald Reagan speech and picture

A REAL Buzz!

Rea Rea made out like a bandit!
After our busy morning, Reagan had a GREAT , long nap. We ate a delicious Christmas lunch, watched sports on TV, and tried out the new bike.
It was a wonderful Christmas day.
We are so lucky to have such a generous family and so many fun traditions.
I hope your Christmas was full of family, fun, laughter, and love!