June 14, 2012

The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

My life this week has been a total whirlwind combination of good, bad, and ugly.... Please don't mind me while I unload. Thanks.

Swimming Lessons

The good - He graduated from the "Sea Babies" class today- Praise the Lord! We weren't sure because of his behavior lately. (see below)

The bad- It's been a rough 2 weeks of classes. He loves being in the water and loves doing the activities but couldn't stand doing anything with the teachers. He would completely shut down when they came near. Awesome.

The ugly- Tuesday was a new low. Reagan wouldn't get out of the pool. Picture this. The part of the pool where we have lessons doesn't have steps.  The kids are supposed to get in and out by using the side. And thus the mommies for the "Sea Babies" class have to get in and out the same way. NBD- if I was a normal mom.  Not the almost 6 months beached whale I am... but I digress. So Reagan thought it would be wildly funny to climb out of the pool, watch me gracefully awkwardly climb out, and then jump back in.  This game lasted a few times before two of the teachers/lifeguards offered to help. Wow. I felt awesome.

Other Reagan News 

The good- Potty training is going really, really well (knock on wood I didn't just jinx myself).  We are in week 3 and the little man has been accident free and so independent.  This morning he woke up and came into our bedroom to report that he had just peed  and poo-ed in the toilet. What on earth?  This needed a huge potty dance celebration, but I was far to exhausted. He's been awesome in public places and he is totally doing it. Guess that means I owe him that toy. Yes. I bribe my child.

The bad - Nap times have been rough.  Every day around Reagan's nap time I hit a major wall. I  need this nap. Big time. But the little man thinks it's oh-so-hilarious to get out of bed and run laps through the house. Yes. I've tried the baby gate. Yes. He climbs it and knocks it over. All the while yelling , "Super Reagan!"

The ugly - Tantrums of a 3 year old are far, far worse than those of a 2 year old. Holy smokes friends. You weren't kidding. Let's see. Not only does he have tantrums now, but he is also defiant. I swear, I don't know where he gets this stuff. He is big into saying " Me no have to." "Me no need to listen to you."  (Yes- I know. My child speaks like a mix between Cookie Monster and an ELL student). I spank him and he laughs. I put him in time out and he becomes destructive. What devil spawn has entered my child? The other day I had a complete meltdown - heart was racing, blood pressure through the roof, etc. I didn't know how to deal and just ended up crying on the floor with him looking at me like I was an alien from space.  Then came the wooden spoon. I have resorted to the wooden spoon friends. Well, twice. He has gotten two good spankings from my new friend and it seems to be a nice consequence. This phase shall pass. I just know it. It has to. Or I won't be around to meet these new babies. It may just kill me.


The good - I'm loving The Bachelorette this season. Yes, Emily is a little boring but she is so darn pretty and classy I could watch her daily. And the boys are a real trip too. I mean some of them are soo weird. Quality TV people.

The bad - I have so much freaking stuff on my DVR I can't catch up. I can still remember the good 'ol days before Nick Jr. and Disney came into my life.

The ugly - How bad is RHNY this season? I think I might actually quit this show and that would be a first. The women seem really old and annoying this season. Boo. Bring back the good old days with Bethenny and Scary Island. The show was so good then.


Sylvia said...

I feel your pain when you talk about Reagan's behavior and defiance. I went through all of that with Nick and thought I would kill him a few times. It does pass, and Nick and I were very close as he got through that. I relied heavily on James Dobson's book, "The Strong Willed Child". I don't know if it is stil in print but it sure helped. Let me know if I can help.

Megan said...

Awwww!! Ty for sharing the good, bad and ugly!! I can only imagine this phase!! Keep up what you are doing! He is just testing you and his limits!!

I feel the same way about Emily!! Could watch her everyday!! :) I quit rhony a couple seasons ago, once bethanny got her own spinoff I stopped watching.

Amy said...

Thanks for sharing with us! I hope the bad & the ugly turn to good & great soon! I've worked in childcare the past 7 years before becoming a SHM & I've always thought that it's the terrible 3's & not the terrible 2's! I hope this stage passes quickly for you! :)

L.o.v.e Emily!

Unknown said...

Oh friend, you are a stronger woman than I am. Sending prayers of strength your way!