June 7, 2011


I've been on summer break for a few days... and soaking in all the quality time I can with my little man before I start teaching summer school (tomorrow)! Here is what we've been up to:

Splash Pads

Playing with Cars

Childrens Museum with Chase and Sarah

I will be teaching ELL summer school for the next 3 weeks. Tomorrow is the first day of meetings and set-up . We meet our kids for Open House on Thursday. I've had a great time with Rea Rea but if you follow me on Twitter, you know that it's been a rough week! We've had a lot of fun but trust me- there have been equal amounts of tantrums. Terrible Twos are VERY real. Today was a rough afternoon and I'm going to bed. Yes, it is 7:56.


Thomasina said...

It looks like you all had some good fun! Terrible two's do get better, but they still are difficult at three and four (my son is 4).

TracyZLesh @ Then I Got To Thinking said...

He could not be any cuter!! :) Good luck teaching summer school, ELL is so important!

Jamie said...

Yay for summer! Looks like you and Reagan are having lots of fun!