This has been a busy time for us....excuse me why I vent for a moment..
1. Reagan has been sick. He caught my cold and he ended up getting an eye infection. My mom was SWEET enough to take him to the doctor for me today while I was at work so he could get checked out.... he got some eye drops and should be a-ok in a week or so! The poor kid. He has a gooey, yellow, swollen eye that only a mother could love!
1. Reagan has been sick. He caught my cold and he ended up getting an eye infection. My mom was SWEET enough to take him to the doctor for me today while I was at work so he could get checked out.... he got some eye drops and should be a-ok in a week or so! The poor kid. He has a gooey, yellow, swollen eye that only a mother could love!
3. Tomorrow our grade level is in charge of bringing lunch for the staff tomorrow... so for the last 2 hours I have been making salads... and we all know I am NOT a good cook.
4. Next week is Reagan's First Birthday/party. Besides the emotional fact that I cant believe my baby is turning one, I feel super stressed about making his farm party the absolute best. Sidenote- I ordered a birthday book for him full of his monthly chair pictures... clearly I am mother of the year- not.... because I got three of the months with the wrong titles and completely left out his 8 month photo. For the love!
5. Easter. The day after Reagan's birthday will be Easter. I have not had Nick get into the attic to pull down the Easter box... so I have not decorated or found Reagan's adorable Easter basket. grrrr... So I quickly bought a cheap bucket from Walmart and filled it with some new books, bubbles, and DVDs. I have not even thought about what any of us will wear...... hmmm
6. The Move. I can't really talk to much about this at the moment... but while I feel very blessed it is a completely stressful time!
All I can say is TGIF (Almost). Hope you all are having a great week!
Hopefully you'll be able to relax some this weekend! Poor Reagan...hope he feels better soon!
Oh this picture hurts my heart!!!! :(
You are mom of the year if you already had an Easter basket and now have a backup basket. I don't think I'm even giving my kid a basket this year! I suck.
Sorry the babe is sick. He looks so yucky and tired in the picture. I hope he gets better soon!
Sorry you're stressed! I haven't even gotten around to Easter basket stuff yet... :) The birthday party will be a.w.e.s.o.m.e. and if anything goes wrong or doesn't get done -- no one will know but you! :)
Thanks guys! Im such a perfectionist I put all this stress on myself for no reason... looking back at this blog I feel totally stupid! haha.. life is good- should not be stressed :)
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