March 31, 2010
Happy Hump Day!
March 30, 2010
Tuesday Top Two.....

March 28, 2010
Family Birthday Party
March 27, 2010
We're Moving!
March 25, 2010
A Busy, Blessed Life!
1. Reagan has been sick. He caught my cold and he ended up getting an eye infection. My mom was SWEET enough to take him to the doctor for me today while I was at work so he could get checked out.... he got some eye drops and should be a-ok in a week or so! The poor kid. He has a gooey, yellow, swollen eye that only a mother could love!
March 21, 2010
Getting to know you and video of Reagan walking!

Here are my answers to this week's "Getting to Know you over at Mannland5
The questions..
1. What year did you graduate high school?
2. What part of your body do you neglect the most?
3. Beach house or Lake house?
4. Mac or PC?
5. Did you wear braces?
6. If you could be one person for a or deceased..who would you be?
7. How many times have you moved in your life?
8. Would you rather cook or clean?
1. What year did you graduate high school? I graduated from high school in 2000. Coming up on my 10 year- time has flown!
2. What part of your body do you neglect the most? My tummy... its definately my problem area but I have never been a sit-up girl.
3. Beach house or Lake house? a beach house ... im not a huge beach person.. but it would be great to have the convience to lay out daily and listen to the waves each night
4. Mac or PC? PC at home and a Mac at school.... I actually like them both
5. Did you wear braces? Yes, I got them on in 7th grade and off in 9th I think... I was not very good about wearing my retainers though- so there has def been some shifting!
6. If you could be one person for a or deceased..who would you be? good question but so hard... I think I would choose Jackie O!
7. How many times have you moved in your life? As a child I moved 2 times (all in the same area.... one was to a rental until our house was built, and then into the house my parents still live at) In college I moved 3 times (once to the freshman dorms, once to the sorority housing, and once to my apartment). Since college I have moved once - into the house Nick and I live in today... but hopefully we will be moving again by the end of this year!
8. Would you rather cook or clean? Neither! I guess clean though! It does give you a sense of pride when the house looks and smells good!
Here is an exciting video I took last night... Reagan started walking!!!
March 20, 2010
What we've been up to.....
March 17, 2010
Happy St. Patrick's Day
March 16, 2010
Tuesday Top 2
This week topic for Taylor's Tuesday Top Two is.........
1. First is Reese. She has preppy and classic style.

2 . Is Victoria Beckham... I love love love her hair and have copied it more than once.... but I end up missing pony tails too much, so grow it out. I also wish I had her budget to spend on clothes and handbags... And extra bonus- her sons are PERFECTLY dressed all of the time!

March 14, 2010
Family Sunday

Sunny Saturday

the rules:
1.) When you have received this award you must thank the person that awarded you this in the new post.
2.) Name the 10 things that make you happy
3.) Pass this award on to 10 other bloggers and inform the winners
Well thank you again to Mrs. Stoneking! If you havent checked out her blog- you should. She is a beautiful girl with the most amazing wedding photos!
10 Things that Make Me Happy
1. When my baby boy says "Mamma".
4. Being a first grade teacher
5. Being sucked into a great book
6. Drinking Diet Mountain Dew - ditto Mrs. Stoneking- my fave drink as well!
7. Watching The Office and Modern Family- laughing till my tummy hurts
8. Girls Days with shopping, lunch, and pedis
9. Spring weather and being in the sun
10. Christmas Morning!
10 people to pass this on to
March 12, 2010
Schools Out For Spring Break....

March 11, 2010
Happy Anniversary!
Me and You by Kenny Chesney
Ordinary no, I really don’t think so
Not a love this true
Common destiny
We were meant to be
Me and you
Like a perfect scene from a movie screen
We’re a dream come true
Suited perfectly for eternity
Me and you
Every day, I need you even more
And the night time too
There’s no way
I could ever let you go
Even if I wanted to
Every day I live
I try my best to give
All I have to you
I thank the stars above
That we share this love
Every day, I need you even more
And the night time too
There’s no way
I could ever let you go
Even if I wanted to
Ordinary no, I really don’t think so
Just a precious few
Ever make it last
Get as lucky as
Me and you