Wow, this decade is coming to a close... crazy, huh?
I thought it would be fun to go through each year and write some highlights!
Happy Reading!
My 2000's in Review
This year I was a senior in high school. I loved all of high school, but especially this year. I had an amazing set of friends and loved being involved at school. It also probably had something to do with the "senior superiority" we all had. I was voted Prom Queen and had an amazing prom night. On a side note- I was obsessed with Justin Timberlake and went to many NSync concerts to stalk him like a crazy person. One night my sister, and friends Kristin and Ashley and I bugged the security until someone told us what hotel they were staying at and drove their following the concert. We stood outside his hotel and with about 10 other crazy teenager and watched him wave and get into his car to go clubbing. Thank goodness we didn't have fake id's yet... or you know we would have gone there too.
This year I was a freshman at Arizona State. What a culture shock going from being a very sheltered and good-girl from Scottsdale to being in a huge university and living in a co-ed dorm. I lived a room away from BOYS and could basically do whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted. I loved the "Rush" experience and joined my sorority, Kappa Alpha Theta. I loved the sisterhood and socials. All of this obviously led to some trouble....ha ha. My freshman year academically was a joke....but I made some wonderful memories, some favorite friends, and took an insane amount of pictures. (Side note.. I first met Nick this year. He was in the Pike fraternity and I met him at a party. I instantly thought he was cute but was quasi-dating his friend/fraternity brother at the time.)

Pre-partying before an army-themed Date Party
I moved into the sorority housing. Our group of 4 rooms was named the "Veranda" thus we became the "Veranda Crew". We had insane amounts of fun , from sliding down the "cheese grater steps" to watching hours of chick flicks and the Bachelor laying in our juicy sweats. This year I really began taking classes in my major area- Early Childhood- and really enjoyed them. You may be interested to know that my grades did improve and I made it to most of my classes..... this being said, I did fail College Algebra for the 2ND year in a row. (Math is not my strong suit).

This was a big year. I finally turned 21 and could legally be at the bars. Yahoo! I also was elected President of my sorority so I could put my "control-freak" quality to good use! I loved, loved, loved leading my chapter and it was one of the best experiences of my life. This year Nick and I really started to run in the same circles. At the same time I was the president of Theta, he was the president of Pike. That was when Nick and I had our first kiss. We were in Rocky Point, Mexico for the Pike formal. We both were there with different dates though. We were at some beach-bar and **smooch** it happened.

Wow, I really thought this pose was cool?
This year was a great one! During Christmas break (around new years) Nick really started pursuing me. Back when "IM" was cool, he used to IM-flirt me and was always asking me out. I was hanging out a lot in places as him, and each time he would ask me out. I was very hesitant and said no many times. (I definitely used the exact words "I wouldn't touch you with a ten foot pole" because of his reputation). Believe it or not, I was still a good girl! Finally I caved and we began dating. Once we started dating we were inseparable. I graduated in December 2005 with a degree in Early Childhood. (FYI - I did finally pass College Algebra! With the help of my younger sister tutoring me!) I got a new car as a graduation gift from my parents, Silver Bell.

After my ASU Graduation with my little sister Meg

Nick and I rescued a pound puppy (a Black Lab/ Pit Mix) that we named Hunter. Boy, we had NO idea what we were in store for. This big beast thought that he was a purse puppy and constantly wanted to be in our laps or in our bed. On Easter Sunday, Nick proposed. With my whole family sitting around, he gave me an Easter basket. Each egg was numbered and inside each egg had something he loved about me. In the last egg he wrote that I needed to look under the grass. Under the Easter grass was a big sign that said , "Will you marry me?" I looked up , crying, and saw him down on one knee. It was so special and I couldn't have asked for a better proposal. My whole family was able to be a part of it as well! That summer we moved into our house together and in the fall I started teaching First Grade.

In March of this year, Nick and I got married! I was finally getting my dream -fairy -tale day! Except one glitch- it was pouring rain all day long. AZ was having drought- over 160 something days without rain.... except for our wedding day... It decides to soak us all! So we moved the location from outside of the resort to inside- and honestly, it couldn't have been more perfect. It was my dream wedding and I married my Prince Charming! For our honeymoon we flew to Kauai and spent a week enjoying being married! (Don't worry- the insane rain followed us from AZ to Hawaii as well! There was so much rain and flooding that we were stranded at our hotel. Roads were closed because a water dam had broken! Good lord! At least it makes for a good story and a good excuse to go back again soon!) Another big even from this year was that we added another puppy to our family. We bought a Maltese/Shitzu that we named Lily (We got her around Easter). I finally had my purse puppy to dress up!

Not too much happened this year. We both worked hard at our jobs and enjoyed time at home. Nick coached pop-warner football and fell in love with it. We took a couple of family vacations with both sides of our family (His dad and Lisa took us to Disney and my parents took us to Boston and Denver). We also traveled to watch many of our friends get married.

In Boston with Nick and my sister... being dorks
Nick and I both started taking classes outside of our jobs. He began taking classes to further his work accreditation and I started my Master's degree. My baby sister got married in December and had a beautiful wedding. I was lucky to gain a very fun brother in law! We also blessed to get pregnant with our baby boy! Again, more and more of our friends got married this year. Thank goodness! We were tired of being the "old, married couple"!

This was the best year yet! Reagan James was born in April and we have been enjoying each and every day! Nick still has the same job and I still teach First Grade. Our doggies are still healthy and happy. I graduated with my Masters Degree this year and am excited to have more time with our baby boy!
This was the best year yet! Reagan James was born in April and we have been enjoying each and every day! Nick still has the same job and I still teach First Grade. Our doggies are still healthy and happy. I graduated with my Masters Degree this year and am excited to have more time with our baby boy!

Our first family photo

I am excited to see what 2010 has in store for us!