This week Taylor's Top Two is
Top 2 Magazines
I must say I used to be a huge magazine junkie... I had tons of subscriptions and always took my mom's when she was done..... but this past year I have been better with my spending/money and do not have any subscriptions other than my Parenting one that was a gift....
My favorite two magazines that I love to stare at the pictures are:

In Style... Such great beauty and fashion tips and pics..
And US weekly... I cant even imagine how much money Ive dropped on this magazine over the years... Its soooooooooooooo addicting and full of the best photos and gossip!

My mother instilled a love of handbags in my sister and I at a very young age. I can remember starting my Kate Spade collection in middle school when I sported the mini backpack to school everyday.. By the time I graduated high school I had about 10 Kate Spades. Then in college my taste changed and I fell in love with Prada and my little Louie. Since college I have become a huge Coach fan.
If I'm not carrying my newest Coach bag (see the birthday blog) , I'm carrying Reagan's diaper bag. My wonderful sister Meg got this for me for my 27th birthday. I love love love it. It is a Kate Spade (going back to my old handbag days!) It is nylon which is easy to clean, has girly details like the bows on each side and the polka dot lining, but is still okay to carry around with a baby boy. For this particular post we will explore the diaper bag... and I must tell you I didn't expose all of it- there were 4 board books, a bib, a spoon, and a baggie of Gerber puffs... haha. But here are the real necessities I can't live without in my bags!

1. Juicy sunglasses /case
2. Kiehls lip gloss
3. My planner/wallet/life (I seriously live and die by this book)
4. Two Red Hens diaper bag- I knew Reagan was a boy but needed more pink in my dark bag!
5. Coupon envelope
6. Reagan's restraun table mat thingy
7. my pink Ipod nano
8. Changing table cover (matching Kate Spade polka dots)
9. Yellow Kate Spade wristlist that I throw odds and ends in (It was a bridesmaid gift and has perfect matching polka dot lining)
10. My cell phone
11. Car keys and Work keys
12. Not pictured- my camera... always with me!
This was fun... thanks for tagging me Julie! :)