Hi everyone!
Life has been busy lately as we wrap up the school year and get things done around the house!
Sorry for the list... but here is a quick run down of whats been going on with us!
Friday- dinner at Zipps with my sister and bro in law... Reagan was flirting with this lady at the table behind us... Stroking her hair and batting his eyelashes... he's starting young!
Saturday- lazy day around the house and then we went to the AZ Diamondbacks game. Our school have given out tickets to families and staff to attend that night's game against the Blue Jays. It was fun to sit with my girls and our hubbies and see kids from school. Reagan looked adorable in his DBack get up but his teeth were killing him.... he fussed and cried for most of the game. It also didnt help that he wanted to walk around... our tix were soo nosebleed there was no way I was letting him down! So we ended up leaving before the 7th inning... theres always next year!
dont know why my camera was so fuzzy! bad pic! but the only one we have of all 3 of us
My friends Holly and Rachel trying to get Reagan happy... such a little tantrum!
Jenny, Brittany, and Lisa with Reagan
Kelli and Vince. Funny story- I work with Kelli and Vince is one of Nick's best friends...We actually set them up! They have been married for over a year!
Our friends Kate, Jacob, and Doug.. Isn't Jacob the cutest??

Nick bought Reagan this new hat at the team shop..So cute!
Sunday- We did yard work, ran errands, and I worked on school stuff.... finally a healthy weekend had by our family! Oh- we also watched the Lost Finale... so emotional! I cried the entire time (thus giving me a major migrane on Monday...boo)
Monday- Our school's talent show was Monday. It was hilarious! I am part of the committee so I got to see the auditions and rehearsals... but nothing compares to seeing 9 yr old girls wearing matching Justin Beiber (sp?) tee shirts dance and sing around the stage! It's funny how each year there is a new "fad"... a few years ago everyone sang or danced to high school musical, last year it was hannah montana, and now it's Justin Beiber... I wonder what next year will be?!
Tuesday- nothing big too big happened today. Trying to take down my room without the kids noticing very much change (totally affects their behavior). I also threw my kids a pizza/ice cream party for reaching their goals on the DIBELS reading test. They all did so well, they deserved to have a fun treat.
Only 3 more days of school!! Whoo--hooo!!