October 8, 2013

First Grade Updates...

Oh my word.
I am so so sorry for being MIA in blogland.

This quarter has simply flown by.
And these last few weeks have been especially crazy.
End of the year testing, report card prep, field trip, observation, professional development classes, the twins first birthday, not to mention all 3 kids being totally knocked out cold with the ickies - this Mama was spent!

But hallelujah. I am on Fall Break! 
I just laid the twins down for a nap after our eventful doctor's appointment- 9 shots total. Holy smokes. I have Reagan sitting in front of Paw Patrol and I am sitting down trying to hopefully make a dent in blogging.

Our Harcourt anthology story one week was "All that Corn".  It was a great opportunity to use our inference skills to make a smart guess as to what was in our mystery box.  I just love to see their little wheels turning as I present each clue. After we opened the mystery box the kids got to take turns husking the corn.  Later on in the week we popped popcorn just like in the story.

Above show some math photos from a few weeks ago.  We compared measurement using unfix cubes as well as our bodies.  We also celebrated our achievements in math facts during the school math assembly. 

Apple week turned into apple month!  We had so much fun examining our apples using magnifying glasses, sorting apples by size and color, counting seeds in the apples, weighing our apples, measuring our apples, doing sink/float experiments.... 

taste testing Granny Smith Apples, Golden Delicious Apples, and Red Delicious Apples, graphing our favorites, comparing data, and learning all about Johnny Appleseed.

We sequenced the life cycle of an apple, described apples using adjectives in our bubble map, wrote poems about apples using our adjectives....

had a taste test of all things apples including apples, apple sauce, apple juice, apple chips, and apple pie.  We graphed our favorites and then wrote opinion pieces on which apple food was our favorite.

Looking through these pictures made me realize the other things I didn't take pics of (apple verbs, apple art, informative writing about Johnny Appleseed, etc.) It was a fun filled month and the kids and I loved it!  One of the parents even said they were going to an apple festival this weekend because her daughter was so into apples now! Precious.

I love making learning so hands on and meaningful to the kids.  Thanks to everyone who has shared their awesome printables! 


Amy said...

ENJOY your fall break!

Amy said...

ENJOY your fall break!

agalandherdog said...

You've been one busy mama!