January 23, 2012


Hiya friends!
Life has been pretty busy lately and to top it off we are all still sick! (I'm on week 3- blah!)

Here is a little recap of what's been going on:

(1) Last Thursday our school did "Reading Under The Stars". 
It was a really cool and free even for our students and families.  Families were invited to eat a pizza dinner, choose some new books (donated), and read outside on the field "under the stars".  The first 100 kids were given flashlights (also donated). My friends and I worked the sign-in table and boy was it a mad-house. The line was steady for a good hour. It was awesome to see all the kids with their families - so excited to read!

(2) Saturday I was supposed to attend my friend Sarah's baby shower but I had to miss it because I was feeling so sick. I ended up sleeping all day. (Except for the 1 1/2 I was up for lunchtime.) Oh my word. I guess I needed that rest. And huge thanks to my amazing husband who was on daddy-duty all day/night long while I slept. I'm sad to have missed the festivities but I'm sure they are all thankful I wasn't there sleeping through the shower!
(Sarah and I last March at her son Chase's birthday)

(3) Saturday night Nick informed me that our hard-drive crashed. Tears. I was a hot mess. And no. I didn't have things backed up.  I guess the only thing I really cared about were my pictures. Thankfully I have most of them printed out and put in albums. All except the last few weeks and my school pictures (for our end of the year slide show). Boo. I guess I will be figuring out the best way to back-up my pictures soon. 

(4) Sunday was a crazy day. Reagan had 2 different birthday parties to attend- at different sides of town. Both mommies did a great job and I was so inspired by their creativeness!

First up was Jackson's 4th "Superhero" birthday.

Then we sped across town to attend Owen's 2nd "Little Man" birthday.

(5) This week my first graders are starting their Flat Stanley projects. I had a WONDERFUL response from  my friends through Facebook and Blogland!! We have over 40 people wanting to host a Stanley. Thanks to those of you who replied! You should be getting your letter by this weekend I hope! (As I write this, I'm remembering that I forgot the dang envelopes at Target tonight. Geesh! Guess I will be back soon!)

(6) Wednesday is our 100th day of school. As all of you teachers know. What. A. Crazy. Day. I will post about it afterwards. :)

(7) Last, but not least. Watch this video. I seriously can't stop laughing.
Where can I meet her?


  1. My hubby and I have been using her catch phrase "I holla fo a dolla hunny boo boo" for weeks. I am obsessed with her!!

  2. Your "Reading Under the Stars" night sounds awesome! I may borrow the idea if you're okay with that! It will have to warm up quite a bit outside where I live though. I'm thinking an awesome spring reading night!

    Jamie at 2nd Grade Stuff

  3. Hi!
    My name is Heather and I work for Worth Ave. Group. We’re currently holding a contest for K-12 teachers to win grants for their schools, and iPads or iPods for their classrooms. If you’re interested in participating or nominating a teacher, feel free to email me or visit the link I’ve posted below.
    Have a great day!


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