January 25, 2012

100th Day of School

Whoo hoo. We survived the 100th day of school!
I am nothing short of exhausted.
Our first graders had the.best.day. and that makes it all worth it!

We read books:

Made 100th day crowns:

Did a 100th day word search:

Did a 100th day name chart:

Made pictures of what we will look like in 100 years:

Had a 100th day snack:

Played "Race to 100" with a partner:
(Partner 1 rolls dice until she gets to 5. At the same time Partner 2 is writing his numbers to 100 as fast as he  can.  As soon as Partner 1 rolls a 5 she yells stop.  She gives the dice to her partner and it is his turn to roll while she writes. It goes back and forth until first player writes to 100. Make sense?)

We made estimations and timed ourselves doing random things 100 times:
(I seriously couldn't stop laughing when they were doing the stand/sits and jumping. They were exhausted!)

We also worked together with our tables using 100 Lego's to build something:

Happy 100 th Day from our class to yours! 


  1. Looks like a lot of fun! Our 100th day is tomorrow. I haven't heard of Race to 100 being played that way but I'm definitely going to add that to my plans! : )

  2. Do you share your file? If so I would love a copy! I'm always looking for new ideas!


  3. Aww what an awesome celebration! I teach first grade but I am on leave now due to cancer, and I miss these fun parties! :) I love all the adorable pics! Cute blog!

  4. omg what a cute idea!! you are so amazing i tell ya!

  5. How fun! I don't think my husband did anything like that with his fifth grade class!

  6. I would also love a copy of at least the worksheets you did. What a fun 100th day. We have ours this Thursday!


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