January 27, 2013

Our Weekend

This was a very wet and cold weekend in Arizona.
It has literally been raining since Thursday and has not stopped!
We are not used to this! But I must say, I'm liking it!


The babies and I went to visit Nick at his work.
I had them wear the sweaters his boss knit for them - they looked so cute!

His co-workers fell in love with Harper and Hudson and the babies were definitely showing off!
Harper was pretty serious at the beginning but then began talking and didn't stop for 20 minutes.
She clearly had some big stories to tell!
Hudson smiled and flirted the entire time.
He is such a little ladies man!


The babies haven't been sleeping well lately and Thursday night was especially rough.  So Friday was a pretty laid back day for them and I.  We were supposed to go to another playgroup for our twins group but I bailed so that we could all have a good nap! 

That night Nick and I decided to get everyone to bed at somewhat of an early hour and try to just hang out together (one of my goals for 2013)! Don't laugh. It was pretty impromptu and totally not the "date night in" I had envisioned. We climbed into bed, ate ice cream, and watched a special documentary about the Casey Anthony trial. Wild Friday night. Let me tell ya!


Saturday morning I cashed in my gift certificate for an "In home Mani/Pedi party for four" that my friend Alicia gave me when I was on best rest with the twins.  They had a 2 week cancellation policy and I was afraid to risk it and be out of the experience when I was pregnant, so I saved it for a little pampering now.

I invited my mom, sister Meg, and friend Sarah to join in on the fun.

It was very relaxed and nice to be at home.
But as you can see in the photos it was kinda crazy with Reagan bringing toys out and driving us all crazy!

I started the party out with Nick in the master bedroom with all three kids and our little dog Lily.
Poor Nick.
Lily and Reagan wanted to be out with us... so he was left with just the babies.

I used hot pink polish on my nails and toes with white polka dots.
Super fun!

After getting our nails done Reagan went to the ASU basketball game with my parents.
They won- Go Devils!

Saturday night I got some Valentines Day crafting done (Thanks for the inspiration Leah!)
And Reagan and Nick built a little race car together.
(The car was his reward for having good mornings and not crying before school. He has been having a very hard time getting back into the groove of school after Christmas break!)


Sunday morning we got up and got ready for church (another goal for 2013). 
I couldn't believe we got all 5 of us ready and made it on time for the 8:30 am service.
Nick and I were definitely high fiving in the car. Nerd alerts!

Then my good friend Holly came over to visit.
I so miss working with her and chatting every single day.
It was so sweet of her to make the drive out to see us and catch up.
Life is bringing her some great blessings with her new job and personal life and I couldn't be happier!

We also took pictures of the babies who turned 4 months old today!
I can not believe they are getting so old! 

Happy 4 Months Sweet Babies!

How was your weekend?
I hope it was a great one!


  1. Aww, I made the blog. :) I love those sweet babies. I am so glad I was able to come see them and you my sweet friend.

  2. The knitted sweaters are so adorable! Love them! Sounds like a great weekend!


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