January 10, 2013

3 Month Must - Haves

I realized today that I haven't done an update on our baby must-haves since the twins were 1 month old.  Click here for that blog post.

Things have sure changed since Harper and Hudson were 1 month and so have the items we use and love daily. Here are a few things we are loving lately!

Baby Einstein Baby Neptune Ocean Adventure Play Gym 
Holy smokes do the babies love this!

Bright Stars Links

We have also added these that hang down from the play gym and the babies LOVE to pull and swing them. They have great textures and bright colors.

Boppy Pillows

The babies are really getting into using their boppy pillows for tummy time. I love to set them up facing each other and the babies talk and play. 


Keep It Up Bottle Holder

These babies have been really helpful lately.  It seems the babies go ape crazy if I don't feed them the minute they want to eat. (And you may remember I am trying to pump while I feed them.) So I got this to help prop up a bottle in their mouths while I set up the pump.  It gives me a few minutes free without screaming kids. I still prefer to hold the bottle while I pump (I've got my pump-bra on) but this helps me get situated first! 


What items are your little ones loving right now?


  1. toy keys and toy phones were a hit with both of my kids from about age 4 months - 12 months. after that they wanted my phone and my keys. haha

    your twins are absolutely ADORABLE!!!!!!
    i miss mine being that small!!

  2. I love those linking rings, they're good for so many different things!
    We have that same mirror and o-ball football and Carson loves them! The mirror was great for tummy time when he was little and now we have it in his crib and he loves to play with the bugs and look at himself!

  3. My 10 week old is loving his play mat too! It's the only thing that I'm guaranteed will keep him occupied in the morning after his feeding so I can have time to pump. He also seems to be loving his swing this month after hating it last month. I also just hung a Bright Starts turtle toy on his carseat and he has really liked that.


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