May 6, 2011

Mother's Day in First Grade

Mother's Day in First Grade is always one of my favorite things.

My first year teaching (6 years ago) I wrote a little Mother's Day program with songs and poems I found throughout the internet and files. I have had my class perform it ever since. It's been so fun because my teammates do it now too and it has become a tradition at our school.

Our First Grade "Garden"

This was early in the morning. By the time the mom's arrived we had about 2 more dozen cupcakes, 4 more cakes, and about 8 more boxes of Capri Sun. Lordy.

One of the gifts we made for the mothers were portraits of their mothers and the top 10 reasons they love their moms (borrowed from another wonderful blogger!)

How funny are some of these answers? "I love my mom because she helps me get fashionable."

"I know my mom is smart because she knows everything."

"I love to hear my mom sing Justin Bieber." "I love to hear my mom sing Spanish songs." "I love when my mom reads me the Bible."

We also made these handprint/poem cards.

And wrote our mom's letters.

We also planted some flower seeds.

Here are some pictures of the class and their mother's enjoying some snacks and celebrating. I thought I video-taped the program but it didn't work. Boo! Sorry!
My Mom was a God-Send serving all that cake!

Lastly, I want to share my other favorite part of the day.

One of my students bought me this SWEET outfit and shoes.

I died.
I can honestly say I have never been given clothes and shoes by a studen. Wow.


  1. LOVE this! I will definitely use some of these ideas next Mother's Day!

  2. That is so fun! I used some of your program when I taught Kinder, loved it! You are awesome...Happy Mother's Day to you!

  3. What a fun program! I bet all the moms felt super special :)

  4. Mandy you worked so hard this week! I am so proud of you and the impact you have on these kids. You are a terrific teacher! I was happy to be there to help with your Mom's day program! Thats what Mom's are for!

  5. What a wonderful celebration for the students and their moms!!

    And that outfit...Hawt!! ;) Haha!


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