December 23, 2010

It's begining to taste a lot like Christmas....

Last night we met at my older sister's house for a delicious soup dinner and family time. Afterwards we started the gingerbread house fun. This year it seems everyone was a bit tired and not that into it.... so only a few people lasted long! I had high hopes for Reagan (who knows why?) But I honestly thought he would try it. But there was ZERO interest on his part. So he just ran laps throughout the house and played with his cousins. They sure love each other!

This morning my sister Meg came over and we baked and decorated Christmas cookies with Reagan. He was into it for all about 3 cookies! And then begged to get down and play. So we happily finished the rest. It really was quite theraputic! I'm excited to eat them, but must save a couple for Santa!

Isn't this picture a crack up?

I wish you all a WONDERFUL Christmas!
Enjoy your families, friends, and the celebration the birth of Jesus Christ!

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