July 17, 2010

Operation: Ditch the Binky

Alright, I told you all how at Reagan's 15 month dr. appointment the doctor told us to ditch the binky asap. We knew she was right. The sooner we do it, the **easier** it might be.

So literally the next day we made the decision to only let Reagan have his binky when in the crib (during his 1 nap and bedtime each day). It really wasn't hard on him. I'd say it was harder on Nick and I. The first two days when Reagan had a meltdown or threw a tantrum it would have been soooooooooooooo much easier to just put the binky in his mouth to quiet his screaming. But we stood strong (meaning I would distract him with food, milk, toys, books, etc) Who knows if that is good parenting or not, but it worked! It has now been 11 days and Reagan is doing great. He knows to drop the binky out of his mouth when I pick him up out of the crib.

The next challenge will be loosing it completely! I think we will start it when I go back to work and he goes back to daycare. (2 weeks)The doctor told us not to bring it at all to daycare , so he has no choice there but to soothe himself another way. And hopefully at night he will be so tired from playing that he will pass out without it. Fingers crossed. I will keep you all posted!


  1. Sounds like he'll do a great job without it...he's learning :)

  2. Good work! Reagan is growing up!!!

  3. great job! you are doing it just right if you ask me!!

  4. My fingers are crossed for you guys! Keep us posted on how it goes. :-)


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