May 16, 2010

Wow, again?

So .... yesterday was an eventful day. Reagan had his first hair cut appointment... I will post the adorable pics below. But we came home and the tummy flu struck our house again. What on earth!??!?!?! Nick and Reagan were both a mess. They are both sleeping now... and Ive been a lysol/bleach freak.... I sooo cant afford to get sick right now. (a) its the last 2 weeks of much to do! (b) who will take care of my boys?! Im praying that I can get them better at the same time as keeping myself away from their germs!

Anyways- here are the adorable pics I promised.. Isnt he the absolute cutest? Okay, maybe Im biased...but still!


  1. I'm sorry they're sick :(

    Reagan is looking super cute getting his hair cut!

  2. no, you are not biased, he is definitely adorable!!!!

  3. The "sick" pic is so pathetic--poor thing!

  4. He is just totally precious sitting in that little car! haha, and he looked like a trooper and such a good sport!


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