April 22, 2010

Reagan's 12 month doctor appt!

Today Reagan went to his 12 month doctor appointment.

Here are some stats!

Weight: 25.6 lbs (85th%)

Length: 31 inches (90th%)

Head Circ: 18 (50th%)

The doctor was happy with this size and growth. He said he looked perfect and was laughing at how "down to business" Reagan was at this appointment. He was so serious and just studied the doctor. I decided it must have been that he didn't sport the mo-hawk today!

Reagan got 3 shots (MMR, Chickenpox, and PCV). He was such a trooper...only a couple of tears but he hung onto his blankie for dear life!

In other news... last night Nick and I spent the evening painting Reagan's new nursery. We decided to "recreate" what is at this house... he....uh...me .... has only been able to enjoy it for 12 months! We move in 2 days... I kind of cant deal!!


  1. Such a sweet picture :) Yay for your new house!

  2. He's such a cutie. Sounds like you have a lot of work ahead of you! Good luck with the new home.


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